San Juan Solstice 50 Mile Run
June 21, 2025


Why: To benefit the Lake City volunteer EMTs, provide a scholarship to graduating local high school students and to support other public service entities in Lake City.
Where: Lake City, Colorado.
When: Runner check-in starts at 10 am and continues until 7 pm Friday June 0t at the Town Park Pavilion located on Silver Street. Drop bags are to be left and picked up at the Armory on 3rd and Bluff Street. There will also be a list, started at 10 am at the check-in table, for runners who are not on the wait list but hope to get a spot at 7 pm.
At 7 pm, runners who have not shown up and checked in (or made prior arrangements with the RD) will forfeit their place on the runners list for someone on the waitlist. If no one from the waitlist is available, runners who show up to register on Friday will be chosen from that signup list that began at opening of registration, 10AM that day. That list will be adjacent to runner check in at the Armory.
Start: The race starts at 5 am Saturday June 21st at the Town Park, Lake City, CO. All runners must also check in the morning of the race beginning at 4 am in the Armory.
Registration: Registration for a lottery opens January 15th through 31st, 2025. 300 runners will be allowed entry. Registration Link
Wait List: We will place any applicants on the waitlist that do not gain entry. Wait listed runners will not be charged until they are accepted to the runners list.
Qualifications: On the entry form, you must list a completed trail ultra. This is for safety's sake, as well as to make reasonably sure that you'll have a shot at making the cut-offs along the course. We accept trail ultras over marathon length. The only exception is the Pikes Peak Marathon, which we do accept. If you enter without this qualification, your entry will be delayed or denied. If you have questions about your qualifications, please email or call (970)944-2269.
Entry Fees: $250. Entry fee will be charged when runner is accepted to the runners list. There are no refunds for drops from the runners list. Remember, all proceeds go to Lake City's volunteer EMT's, graduating local high school seniors and other public service entities of Lake City. Those who must drop from the runners list will have the option, when registering in the future, to check the "Dropped?" question for added weight in the lottery. Entry fee includes a meal voucher, race bib, a custom t-shirt, a Speed Cup and finisher's award, should you finish!
Cancellation Policy: The race committee reserves the right to cancel or alter the race due to conditions outside of our control, such as weather, snowpack, high stream flow, fires, avalanches, other acts of nature, or health concerns. Should the race be cancelled, a choice will be offered between rolling registration over to the next year or a refund of $120.00. Please remember that we incur a lot of expenses and this is a non-profit event. Runner's, volunteer’s and community’s safety is our priority.
Course: One counter-clockwise loop; altitudes ranging from 8,671' to 13,334'; 12,000'+ elevation gain; mostly trails, some jeep roads. Middle-of-pack runner: expect 12-14 hours. 16 hour cut-off. See Course Info for complete description of course, aid stations and map.
Tracking Device Required: Real-Time GPS Tracking required with MAProgress. MAProgress are excited to be offering their Live GPS Mapping and Tracking service for San Juan Solstice 50 2024. Share your run in real time with the folks that matter to you. They can see how you’re tracking on the course, cheer you along, and be part of your adventure while not having to run beside you. Lottery winners will be provided information for registering with MAProgress.
Aid: 4 stations with the works, 2 more snack stops, and a fully stocked finish line. We are going CUPLESS again in 2023! Cupless Racing Sponsored by HydraPak.
CUT OFFS as follows:
Aid #1 - Alpine Gulch | 7:30AM | mile 7 is a pack-in aid, so it is minimal with no water or race drink, but few runners really feel like eating this early in the morning, anyway.
Aid #2 - Williams Creek | 10:15AM | mile 15.7 (Drop Bag and Crew Access) is a big station with everything from dishes of salt (use it!) to sandwiches.
Aid #3 Carson | 12:00PM | mile 21 (Drop Bag) is also fully stocked. Use it because the next stretch is 9.5 miles along the Divide. Take 3 bottles.
Aid #4 Divide | 3:45PM | mile 31 is totally stocked. Again, after this, you have another 9 miles, but this time you get to go downhill.
Aid #5 Slumgullion | 6:00PM | mile 40 (Drop Bag and Crew Access) is totally stocked. Get ready for the third and last climb.
Aid #6 Vickers | 8:15PM | mile 46.5 has plenty, but most just want to get to the park, which is about 3 miles straight downhill. Don’t miss the right turn 1/2 mile past the aid.
Aid #7 Town Park Finish Line | 9:00 pm has loads of fruit, sandwiches, drinks, and other treats.
PLEASE CARRY WISELY because there is a 10 mile and a 9 mile stretch between aid on the Divide. Carry a lot and be ready for anything. You must be out of the aid station at the published cut-off time, to the second according to the race clock. Please note these cut-offs before you send in your entry, because they’ll be strictly enforced for your safety! No refunds for those who miss cut-off times!!! CHECK IN AND OUT of each aid station. We are tracking you by your bib number, so wear your bib with your number very visible from the front. Call out your number to the aid station official and make sure you hear confirmation. Not being logged in at an aid station is grounds for disqualification. Also, there are real safety concerns out there on the course, so you must let an official know if you drop.
Crew Access: Support crew is allowed at two aid stations. From Start/Finish at the Town Park, go east on 3rd or 2nd Street to Highway 149. Turn right (southbound) on 149 and drive about 2.5 miles to County Road 30 (aka the Lake San Cristobal/Cinnamon Pass Road).
For the Williams Creek Aid Station, turn right at County Road 30 and drive approximately 6.5 miles to the William Creek Campground. Park well off the road on County Road 30 (do not park in the campground and please leave your dogs in your vehicle). Walk to the aid station at the back of the campground. Please be courteous and considerate of campers and, if you see the Campground Hosts, please thank them for putting up with us.
For the Slumgullion Aid Station, back on Highway 149, continue past County Road 30 and drive approximately 3 miles up towards Slumgullion Pass beyond the Lake San Cristobal Overlook and Mile Marker 67. Please park well off the highway and do not overcrowd the aid station. We encourage runner's crew and family to monitor their progress from the Start/Finish after leaving Williams Aid Station. Try to arrive at the Slumgullion Aid station shortly before your runner arrives.
Dropping: When dropping, please confirm with aid station captains AND check in at the town park finish line. When dropping at Divide or Carson, please be prepared to get yourself down and back to town. Aid station crews have limited space, so plan to work your own way back with the possibility of crew or passerby to give you a ride. From Divide aid station, you can take Camp Trail (4 miles) down back to CR 30.
Getting Here: From Gunnison, CO, take Hwy 149 south about 55 miles. Gunnison has regularly scheduled flights. Lake City is also about 55 miles from Creede, north on Hwy 149. See the Lake City Area page above for a map. For more information please visit: https://lakecity.com
Pre-Race Events
PACKET PICK-UP begins on Friday at 10 am and continues until 7 pm in the Armory at 3rd St and Bluff St.
After 7 pm, runners who have not shown up and checked in (or made prior arrangements with the RD) will find that their slot has been forfeited to someone on the waitlist.
PRE-RACE BRIEFINGS will be held at 3, 5, and 6:30 pm in the Armory. We will give a course description and current course conditions. Muddy course marking volunteers have been known to hobble into the briefings to give the latest breaking news. We will have a course map posted and answer any questions you may have. We’ll describe the trail using the recommended Trails Illustrated “Silverton, Lake City” map. Again, please plan on carrying this map, sold at many stores in town.
SLOTS THAT OPEN ON FRIDAY (FROM RUNNERS WHO HAVE NOT CHECKED IN BY 7PM) will be filled sequentially from wait listed runners who are present. If other slots are available, after all available wait listed runners have entered, those will be filled sequentially from a list of non wait listed runners who are present. That list will be generated beginning at 10AM on Friday when check in opens.
MANDATORY CHECK-IN starts at 4:00 am Saturday morning in the Armory. Everyone must be checked in by 4:55 am, wait in line and be patient. Please let us know if you decide not to start !!!
Post-Race Events - Sunday, June 22nd
BREAKFAST for runners, crews and guests begins at 9 AM in the town park by the Start/Finish. A variety of goodies will be available.
AWARDS CEREMONY will begin after folks have had a little time to eat. Overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd Women's and Men's awards will be followed by age group awards and other presentations such as the ugly foot contest award.
RAFFLE for runners and volunteers will follow with a wide variety of items from sponsors, ranging from shoes and headlamps to socks and pies.
Restaurant Vouchers - Participating Restaurants
Click for available menus - Prices and menu items may be subject to change
Breakfast Hangout and Euphoria 7am-1:30pm, 4pm-8pm
Bluebird Daily 8am-6pm
Beny's Authentic Mexican Restaurant
Country Store Deli - 8am-7 & Sunday, 10am-7pm
Climb Elevated Eatery - 11am-10pm
Chillin’ Internet Coffee Shop - 7am-4pm
Packer Saloon & Cannibal Grill - 11-9 *grill open until 11pm on race day!
Southern Vittles - 11am-9am
Lake City Bakery - 7am-6pm
Lake City Brewing Company - 12pm to 9pm
San Juan Soda Company - 10am - 9pm & 1 pm -9pm Sunday
Southern Vittles 11am-9pm
Sportsman BBQ + Backyard - 7am-9pm