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San Juan Solstice 50 Mile Run
June 21, 2025

The lottery was completed on January 31st and there is a full event with 300 runners and a waitlist of 180. Registration to join the waitlist will reopen on February 19th at 7 AM MST and remain open until June 20th at 7 PM.
Please remember you will need your own tracking device (or borrowed) or you will need to rent a device for the race.
*Course update for 2025*
Williams Creek cutoff will move to 10:15am. Carson and all other cutoffs will remain the same.
This is in response to our increase numbers and bottlenecking up Alpine. We hear the requests for a little extra time in that section. To complete the course within 16 hours, the remaining cutoffs will stay as is. Please let us know if you have any questions !

: @jessa_baxter_peterson
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